A Progressive Governor for Florida?

This week we’re bringing you another interview with a candidate for, what I would say, is one of the most important races in the country. That is the Florida gubernatorial race, and we brought on democratic candidate Andrew Gillum, mayor of Tallahassee and a FAMU Rattler alllll the way. Of course, we had to bring the heat with the M&M boys(Marc Caputo of POLITICO Florida and Michael Grunwald of POLITICO Magazine). Enjoy!

If you like the show, leave a review! Tell us what you think, your opinion matters to us, and if you have a question for me and want to be included in our #AskAmandi segment, send it to me via Twitter (@AmandiOnAir), Facebook, or email (strangedayspod@gmail.com) Thanks!

The Week that Broke Me

Welcome back #StrangeDays listeners! This week, prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions – we start with the matriarch of comedy and mayor of zero f**ksville, Kathy Griffin as she recounts her last year and why she is not sorry about the photo seen ’round the world. We end on a somber note this week as we discuss the recent passing of the brilliant Anthony Bourdain. Friends of the show Billy Corben from Rakontur and Marc Caputo of POLITICO Florida join us to remember the legend, and to talk a little politics. Thank you for listening, and please remember, if you or someone you know needs help, call the suicide prevention hotline 1-800-273-8255, there is always a solution.

Be Water My Friend


Miami Herald ‘s Leonard Pitts Jr utters the once unthinkable, National Review’s brilliant David French reveals if he’ll run against Trump & Matthew Polly unveils the man behind the legend in his new Bruce Lee biography.

Enjoy, and please make sure to leave a review!